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Online Hockey Organization

Welcome to the OHO

Running a league is never easy. But with active Owners(players), the OHO should run smoothly and effectively.

The Online Hockey Oranization calls on the most competitive and active players to step forward and enter an exciting twenty team career league. Each owner will try to push their team to new heights every week. For a sip of glory from Sir Stanley's Cup.

Our goal, (No pun intended) is to institute a league with a solid rules setting, a favourable options setting, and a strict time schedule. Also with the added flavour of active competitive Owners the OHO will soon become the fastest, hard-hitting, blade squeeling NHL 2001 league available on the Inter-Net.

So, Let the Sky be our limits and the nets be our destination.


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The Online Hockey Organization is a thriveing NHL 2001 League, which stresses active players to come out and show their skills.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to message the Commissioner about submission into the OHO.

A Real Quoters Quote

Sixteen opponents all striveing for a sip of glory. Although if the tough gets tougher just remember an inspirational quote. For example:

"The most dangerous moment comes with victory. "

~Napoleon Bonaparte~

The Online Hockey Organization has accepted 16 APPLICATIONS for its 12 player season ONE. Although the first season will soon be well on its way, we are still looking forward to recieveing more E-Mail's about interested Players! E-Mail the commissioner IF interested in Season TWO!

The OHO will soon introduce a Mailing List form, for interested players to be added to. This form will keep ANY player up to date on tournaments OR open spots held winith the OHO.