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Online Hockey Organization
League News

The "League News" section is going to be composed of many different sections. Which until the league is started most of these sections won't come into effect.

Recent Transactions

The recent transactions link will send any interested owner to a page comprised of recent Waiver pick-ups, and Waiver drops. Also recent Trades between OHO teams. As an added bonus any owner will also be able to find an easy to access list of eligible waiver pick-up's and their current rankings.

Power Rankings

The Power Rankings link will present every owner with a formulated ranking of the teams in OHO. With additional comments on the side. (ESPN, FOXSPORTS, etc. Power Ranking format) The writer of such a standings will be revealed later. (ohhh... a surprise!)


The Articles/Opinions link will take any owner away to a page, which will be set up for Owner written articles or opinions on OHO or any NHL 2001 topic. This is where any owner can express their creativity and just explode onto the screen with passion and finesse. At any Owner's request he/she could be given an entire section of their own to write their articles.

Our Owners

The OHO members will be able to find who their playing next on Sunday in the OHO Schedule. Some players may have 2 games scheduled for a week, others may have 5. But it all works out in the end.

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide

The Online Hockey Organization soon will take to the ice to pit 16 pride-stricken Owners up against each other.

We have replaced Philedalphia's Owner with a new more energized one!... Everybody Welcome...
Nobody Yet....

News Section

01/29/01 - The Online Hockey Organization is finally FULL and ready to go! Our first Session of games SHOULD be this following Sunday (feb. 4th)... And after a whirl-wind of trades and one restriction of trading being upheld ALL should be well in OHO land.

01/08/01 - The commissioner has JUST sent out the APPLICATION to 16 very worthy wannabe participants in OHO... 12 of the MOST active players WILL be accepted!... GOOD LUCK!

01/03/01 - The OHO is now accepting applications to join. Blitmic (commissioner) is looking for very active players.

01/01/01 - The Online Hockey League is about to be sent onto the World Wide Web. This section will be composed of league news on OHO. Most likely this league will be run on Sundays at 7:00, but things still may change.

And really there isn't much news to mention EXCEPT Blitmic would appreticiate any feedback on this question "Do you think the LEAGUE would run smoother if there were 20 teams to start off with and 12 of them being played by humans OR 16 teams to start off and 12 of them being played by humans?" .... Perplexing! ... Hmmmm....