1. ENTER your NHL 2001 game. Then Go INTO the Online League option and GOTO Join New Online League
2. Now you should see a small subscreen, which will say Choose your connection... GoTo Direct Internet Connect HIT the check mark... And then enter in the Following IP Number:
3. NOW the League will AUTOMATICALLY d/l onto your computer... NOW to play a game you MUST scroll down and FIND the team that is yours... MOVE it to the LEFT side of the screen and ENTER your PassWord (you'll revcieve your PERSONAL PassWord through an E-Mail)
4. Now you have UNLOCKED your team and can play your schduled games... NOW find out WHO your playing NEXT and find out WHO is hosting (Home team hosts)... and then HIT the back KEY.
5. Now you have FULL access to the league... To PLAY your game hit the forward KEY and enter a game as you would in a NORMAL league... IF you are hosting make sure you specifiy that... IF the OTHER person is hosting then MAKE SURE you get his IP number...
6. NOW IF everything has been done correctly you should be in the game WITH another OWNER... AFTER the game make sure your able to COME back and JOIN the league (where you were previously at to UPDATE the LEAGUE)... Your League WILL automatically be updated.. and you can find your NEXT opponent.
*** Everybody MAKE sure you have your IP address readily available to GIVE OUT
*** IF you attempt to JOIN back to the MAIN league room (where you can UNLOCK your team and UPDATE).. and you can't connect... wait 7 minutes and TRY again... IT just means am playing MY game at that current time.
*** Also REMEMBER... Before you complete NUMBER 4 on the HOW TO section.. Make sure you find OUT who your playing.. and WHO is hosting.. and SWITCH IP numbers.. (ADD THEM TO YOUR ADDRESS BOOK SO YOU WON'T HAVE TO DO THIS MUCH LONGER)
*** Make Sure you keep the chatting DOWN to a minimum in the game BECAUSE everybody wants to finish there games and DON'T want to be held up... I also SUGGEST you put the SPEED game OPTION on... That way a faster game.
**** GOOD LUCK **** |