Recent Transactions The recent transactions link will send any interested owner to a page comprised of recent Waiver pick-ups, and Waiver drops. Also recent Trades between OHO teams. As an added bonus any owner will also be able to find an easy to access list of eligible waiver pick-up's and their current rankings. Power Rankings The Power Rankings link will present every owner with a formulated ranking of the teams in OHO. With additional comments on the side. (ESPN, FOXSPORTS, etc. Power Ranking format) The writer of such a standings will be revealed later. (ohhh... a surprise!) Articles/Opinions The Articles/Opinions link will take any owner away to a page, which will be set up for Owner written articles or opinions on OHO or any NHL 2001 topic. This is where any owner can express their creativity and just explode onto the screen with passion and finesse. At any Owner's request he/she could be given an entire section of their own to write their articles. |